How do I search for Course Reserves (Textbooks) in Library SmartSearch?

Library SmartSearch hints for finding Course Reserves textbooks and materials


Kish Library, through the generosity of the Faculty, has some of the textbooks required for Kishwaukee College classes.  You can search our Course Reserves collection to see if the textbook you need for your class is available.  First, make sure you are logged into MyKC and then click on this link to access Library SmartSearch.     You'll notice at the top of the screen a banner with buttons on it.  Click on the button labeled "Course Reserves."  You'll be prompted to log in to Library SmartSearch, so select the option for MyKC KishID Account.

There are different ways you can search for textbooks.  Check your Course Syllabus if you don't know the 3 letter code, your instructor's name, or the name of the class.

1. Enter the three-letter code for your class. (I.g. ENG for English, MAT for math classes, HIS for History)

2.  The last name of your teacher spelled correctly.

3.  The name of your course. (I.g. Environmental Science, Composition 2, College Study Skills)




  • Last Updated Sep 30, 2022
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Librarian

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