How do I access EBSCOhost from home and how do I search for articles and eBooks

Learn how to access EBSCOhost 


EBSCO has journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, eBooks, and videos.

Kish students and staff should access library resources at the Library's website.

  • Go to the section "Looking for library resources."
  • Access EBSCO directly using the "list of online databases" which is an A-Z list of databases. You can choose individual EBSCO databases from the A-Z database list such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Elite, GreenFILE, CINAHL, Health Source Nursing Academic, etc.
  • If you go to the E section of the A-Z Database Guide, you can select to search all of the EBSCO databases at one time by linking to the "EBSCOhost Combined Search of All EBSCO Databases."  
  • If you are off campus or not authenticated, you will be prompted to log in with your Kish credentials on a Kish College Login Screen. Type your full Kish email address as your username, then enter your Kish password. 
  • Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated
  • For EBSCOhost

    EBSCO password box

  • Type in your search words or topic into the EBSCO search box and a list of resources comes up in the middle of your computer screen.   

  • Click on the "All Filters" box under your search term.   

  • Scroll down the list of options and notice the "Source Types" option.  You can select to view only Magazine Articles, Academic Journal articles, or eBooks. You can also choose several source types to come up in the same results list. 

  • Select the option(s) you are looking for.  You need to find one magazine/periodical article from your assignment, one academic/peer-reviewed journal article, and one book and you can find these types of sources in EBSCOhost. Once you've selected your Source Type, click the "Update Selections" button. Then click the "Apply" button. You should now have a list of sources based on the Source Type(s) you selected. 

  • There is a cite feature in EBSCOHost.  Pull up the detailed record of one article or one book and notice the icons in the right-hand corner under the search box. The Cite feature is the icon that looks like apostrophe marks ("). 

  • When you select this icon, many different citation styles will appear on the screen in the "Select Style" box.  Pick "MLA 9th Edition (Modern Language Assoc.)" or "APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association)."  You can "Copy to clipboard" and paste the citation into your Word document. Make sure the citations follow the MLA or APA format.   

  • Last Updated Oct 15, 2024
  • Views 63
  • Answered By Librarian

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